Hummingbird Hawk Moth - Macroglossum stellatarum

Scientific Name: Macroglossum stellatarum (Sphingidae).

English Name: Hummingbird Hawk Moth (Hawk moth family).

French Name: Le Moro sphinx.

5 Key Characters:
  • Day flying.
  • Most often observed flitting from flower to flower and hovering in front of flowers like a humming bird.
  • The wings make an audible hum.
  • Dull mottled brown upper wings, strong ochre hind wings and a black and white checkerboard patterned tail.
  • Feeds by sucking nectar from flowers using long hinged proboscis while on the wing.

Lookalikes: Broad-bordered Bee Hawk Moth Hemaris fuciformis, which has clear wings and a rust and golden body. Lime Hawk Moth Mimas tilae, which has ragged wing edges, a more camouflaged pattern, and does not feed (has no mouthparts including no proboscis).

Habitat: Gardens.

Flight Period: All year.

Caterpillar: Green or brown, typical hawk moth caterpillar, with a spike at the rear. Food plant is bedstraws Gallium spp.

Status: Common.

Photographed by Loire Valley Nature:
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